18-19th October 2016
Miramar Palace, San Sebastián - Spain


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Deadline for registration
17 October 2016

University Business Forum

October 17th

  • 17:00

    Dialogue with Public Institutions, Regional Universities and Business representatives: Promoting University-Business collaboration

    Organized by KPMG - only for invited guests

  • 20:00

    Town Hall Reception: Donostia 2016

    For speakers and organizers

October 18th

  • 08:00


  • 09:00

    Welcome words

    • Peter Baur, European Commission, Education and Culture
    • Andde Sainte-Marie, Conseiller Régional of Conseil Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine
    • Iñigo Urkullu, Lehendakaria - Presidente of the Basque Government

  • 09:30

    Keynote K1.1: “Basic research? Yes, of course!”

    Prof. Pedro Miguel Etxenike. Professor of the University of the Basque Country and President of Donostia International Physics Center

  • 10:00

    Panel P1 “Smart and innovative strategies for Higher Education in Europe in the University-Business context”

    Moderated by Bart Kamp, Orkestra Institute, Basque Country

    • Carlos Pereda (Basque Companies ConFederation – Confebask, Basque Country)
    • Stefan Chaligne (Secretary General, Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie du Loiret Région d'Orléans, France)
    • Josep Bordonau (Director of Education, KIC Innoenergy Iberia, Spain)
    • Mona Boyé (Scouting and Program Manager, Ksilink, Strasbourg, France)

  • 11:15

    Coffee break

  • 11:45

    Keynote K1.2: “Euroregional Campus of International Excellence between University of the Basque Country and Université de Bordeaux”

    • Helene Jacquet (Directrice générale des services adjointe déléguée au pôle recherche, international, partenariats et innovation, University of Bordeaux, France)
    • Nekane Balluerka (Vice-rector for post-graduate studies and international relations, University of the Basque Country)

  • 12:10

    Start-Up Testimonials of the Euskadi Region and Aquitaine Regions

    • MAsD – Xabier Erdocia
    • Kiro Robotics – Borja Lizari, CEO
    • Sport Controle - Virginie Rosa, R&D Director

  • 12:40 - 14:00

    Lunch break

  • 14:00

    Conclusions of the “Dialogue Promoting University-Business collaboration in the Basque Country”


  • 14:30


    Each session will feature 2 workshops of 1 hour with a coffee break of ½ hour.


    Trans-border University-Business Cooperation

    Nowadays, borders are a hot topic due to their often controversial function, but for centuries borders have been area of creativity and innovation due to humanity's unavoidable tendency to collaborate. In the ever complex relations between higher education and businesses, the trans-border aspect of cooperation means not just increased complexity but also more enhanced opportunities for innovation. This breakout session showcases 6 successful stories of Trans-border University-Business Cooperation in action.

    • Coordinator: Iñaki Goirizelaia (Rector, for Outreach and Transfer, University of the Basque Country)
    • Rapporteur: Tim Smithers (CEO, TSRi, Basque Country)

    Workshop 1.1

    • Salustiano Mato (Rector, University of Vigo, Spain)
    • Benjamin Böhle-Roitelet, Founder + more ekito / grand builder, Ambassadeur La FRENCH TECH -OCEAN TECH
    • Janosch Nieden (Director, EUCOR - The European Campus EVTZ, France) (together with Coralie Bajas) Eucor - the European Campus, an example of cross-border academic cooperation (Upper Rhine tri-national region)

    Workshop 1.2

    • Paco Dubosq (Vice-président ,GIPSO - Groupement des Industries Pharmaceutiques et de Santé du Sud-Ouest/Chargé de mission santé “bénévole” - Fondation Bordeaux Université , France)
    • Juan María Collantes /Stephane Dellier (University of the Basque Country/ AMCAD Engineering, Basque Country/France) "STAN Tool, from a theory in the lab to an industry standard"
    • Eija Källström (Director of International Projects, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland) Cross-border assignment (CBA) – a powerful tool for university-business cooperation


    Cultural entrepreneurship

    Universities, companies, public institutions and other social actors find in cultural entrepreneurship a challenging and increasingly vibrant arena for exchange and cooperation. This aim of this session is to shed light on how new kind of partnerships can improve the conditions for cultural entrepreneurs around Europe; strengthen their roots in local communities and help them deliver a meaningful reinterpretations of our shared cultural heritage.

    • Coordinator: Jaime Cuenca (Institute of Leisure Studies, Deusto University, Basque Country)
    • Rapporteur: Heike Fischbach (Harz University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

    Workshop 2.1

    • Clara Montero (Director for Cultural programming, Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao, Basque Country)
    • Monika Sapielak (CEO, Centre for Creative Practices/Artconnected, Wicklow, Ireland)
    • Jesús Briones (Program Manager, El Muro, Madrid, Spain)

    Workshop 2.2

    • Richard Sant (Head of Careers and Employability, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom) "The Creative Attributes Framework - developing enterprising mind-sets in a creative curriculum"
    • Jose Mari Aizega (Director, Basque Culinary Center, Basque Country)
    • Pablo García (Manager for Program Nanocathedral, Fundación Catedral Santa María de Vitoria, Basque Country)
    • Cristina Tapia (International manager, Confederación Española de Junior Empresas, Spain)


    University-Business Cooperation and the impact on urban, territorial and regional development

    Universities and higher education institutions play a very important role in the socio-economic development and transformation of their community. Their contribution has always been linked to collaboration with different stakeholders in the region. However, are we facing a period in which the role of universities in relation to the impact on its territory is changing? What are the new challenges that society is facing which require new forms of cooperation between universities and business?

    Small is both beautiful and powerful! Come visit us and you will understand why.

    • Coordinator: Jon Altuna (Academic vice-rector, Mondragon University, Basque Country)
    • Rapporteur: John Edwards (JRC for S3, European Commission)

    Workshop 3.1

    • Roberto Uribe-Etxebarria (Mondragon University, Basque Country)
    • Maurizio Marchese (Pro-rector, University of Trento, Italy)
    • Miren Larrea/James Carlsen (Orkestra Institute, Basque Country) “The challenge of co-generation of knowledge: practical examples from the Basque Country and Norway”

    Workshop 3.2

    • Arturo Alvarado (Rector, Mondragon – México University, México)
    • Iñaki Heras (Professor at Department of Management, University of the Basque Country) "Cooperation with Local SMEs in Times of Crisis: A Multistakeholder Programme"
    • José Pietri (Mindshare Consulting, Paris, France)

  • 17:00

    Departure to Site Visits (more info)

    • Aquarium
    • Tabakalera

  • 20:00

    Dinner at a local restaurant (Sociedad Gastronómica de Donostia)

October 19th

  • 09:00

    Opening of the second day

    Marc Moulin
    (Director, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion)

  • 09:15

    Wrap-up of breakout sessions

    Rapporteurs of Breakout Sessions followed by lively discussion

  • 10:00

    Keynote K2.1: “Higher education and S3: towards the engaged university”

    Kevin Morgan (Prof. of Governance and Development, Cardiff University, United Kingdom)

  • 10:25

    Keynote K2.2: “Innovation, the way to essence”

    Josean Alija (Chef, Nerua Restaurant, Bilbao, Basque Country) (the keynote will be delivered in Spanish, simultaneous interpretation to English will be provided)

  • 10:45

    Coffee break

  • 11:15

    Panel discussion P2: Keys for Successful Higher Education and Business collaboration.

    Moderated by Igor Campillo, Euskampus Fundazioa, Basque Country

    • Lars Gustavsson (Director for new products development, Orona, Basque Country)
    • Luis Norberto Lopez de la Calle (University of the Basque Country, Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Aeronautics, Basque Country)
    • Denis Crowley (European Commission)
    • Christoph Weckerle (Zurich University of Arts, Director for Department of cultural analysis, Switzerland)
    • Mona Herter (Secretary general, JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises, Belgium)

  • 12:30

    Wrap-up and Closing

    Cristina Uriarte, Sailburua - Minister of Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture of the Basque Government

  • 12:45

    Musical performance (by students of the Higher School of Music of the Basque Country – Musikene)

  • 13:15


  • 15:00

    Satellite Workshops

    • HEInnovate workshop for HEI representatives: HEInnovate Workshop
    • University-Business Cooperation for Industry 4.0 in the Basque Country

Join the University Business Cooperation Network (UBCN)
Eusko Jaurlaritza / Gobierno Vasco
European Commission