Organized by KPMG - only for invited guests
For speakers and organizers
Prof. Pedro Miguel Etxenike. Professor of the University of the Basque Country and President of Donostia International Physics Center
Moderated by Bart Kamp, Orkestra Institute, Basque Country
Each session will feature 2 workshops of 1 hour with a coffee break of ½ hour.
Nowadays, borders are a hot topic due to their often controversial function, but for centuries borders have been area of creativity and innovation due to humanity's unavoidable tendency to collaborate. In the ever complex relations between higher education and businesses, the trans-border aspect of cooperation means not just increased complexity but also more enhanced opportunities for innovation. This breakout session showcases 6 successful stories of Trans-border University-Business Cooperation in action.
Workshop 1.1
Workshop 1.2
Universities, companies, public institutions and other social actors find in cultural entrepreneurship a challenging and increasingly vibrant arena for exchange and cooperation. This aim of this session is to shed light on how new kind of partnerships can improve the conditions for cultural entrepreneurs around Europe; strengthen their roots in local communities and help them deliver a meaningful reinterpretations of our shared cultural heritage.
Workshop 2.1
Workshop 2.2
Universities and higher education institutions play a very important role in the socio-economic development and transformation of their community. Their contribution has always been linked to collaboration with different stakeholders in the region. However, are we facing a period in which the role of universities in relation to the impact on its territory is changing? What are the new challenges that society is facing which require new forms of cooperation between universities and business?
Small is both beautiful and powerful! Come visit us and you will understand why.
Workshop 3.1
Workshop 3.2
Marc Moulin
(Director, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Aquitaine-Euskadi Euroregion)
Rapporteurs of Breakout Sessions followed by lively discussion
Moderated by Igor Campillo, Euskampus Fundazioa, Basque Country
Cristina Uriarte, Sailburua - Minister of Education, Linguistic Policy and Culture of the Basque Government