Universities and Businesses: Building Euroregional Ecosystems
Donostia – San Sebastián, 18 – 19 October 2016
Physical proximity, which enables regular face-to-face communication, is a key factor that builds up the trust necessary for knowledge exchange, interactive learning, collaboration and innovation. Trans-border collaborations and interactions provide the ideal environment for building up rich innovation ecosystems, since they sustain a carefully calibrated balance in which innovation partners are sufficiently similar and geographically close to be able to communicate effectively, but sufficiently different to carry some novel knowledge.
This Thematic University-Business Forum focuses on the Euro-regional perspective for trans-border university-business cooperation under joint strategies of border-regions’ development, for which the ‘Basque Country – Nouvelle Aquitaine Euro-region’ can pose tangible examples of responsible, durable and fruitful partnerships to promote knowledge and innovation ecosystems involving universities, companies, public administration bodies, and society at large.
Furthermore, the Thematic University-Business Forum will take place in Donostia-San Sebastián, taking advantage of the international opportunity the city offers in 2016 as European Capital of Culture. This will be an opportunity and the best scenario to share knowledge and tackle creative and cultural entrepreneurship, as well as University-Business Cooperation in a cultural/heritage context, as one of the main focus on the Forum. At the same time, the Forum will also consider the Civic Business system developed in the Basque Country as a model that contributes special features to the debate in University-Business Cooperation and its impact in regional development.
This Forum is a joint effort of the European Commission and the Basque Government with the collaboration of the Universities in the Basque Country and their partner Universities in Aquitaine, Euskampus Foundation, the Basque business Federation and the City of Donostia-San Sebastián. It provides a unique opportunity to share examples from the joint Euro-region of Basque Country and the Nouvelle Aquitaine and other regions and countries, discuss common issues and present good practices, and explore new pathways for University-Business Cooperation. The Forum is directed to representatives from higher education institutions, companies, business associations, science and technology transfer organizations, culture entrepreneurship incubators, and public administrations.
Donostia-San Sebastian, as European Cultural capital and a trans-border symbol, is the ideal place to network and bring together universities and business actors for future, responsible cooperation in cultural contexts and from a Euro-regional perspective.
The Forum will be organized around plenary keynote presentations and panel discussions, and three breakout sessions focusing on trans-border University-Business Cooperation, Cultural Entrepreneurship, and the role of University-Business Cooperation in urban, territorial and regional development.
Nowadays, borders are a hot topic due to their often controversial function, but for centuries borders have been area of creativity and innovation due to humanity's unavoidable tendency to collaborate. In the ever complex relations between higher education and businesses, the trans-border aspect of cooperation means not just increased complexity but also more enhanced opportunities for innovation. This breakout session showcases 6 successful stories of Trans-border University-Business Cooperation in action.
Universities, companies, public institutions and other social actors find in cultural entrepreneurship a challenging and increasingly vibrant arena for exchange and cooperation. This aim of this session is to shed light on how new kind of partnerships can improve the conditions for cultural entrepreneurs around Europe; strengthen their roots in local communities and help them deliver a meaningful reinterpretations of our shared cultural heritage.
Universities and higher education institutions play a very important role in the socio-economic development and transformation of their community. Their contribution has always been linked to collaboration with different stakeholders in the region. However, are we facing a period in which the role of universities in relation to the impact on its territory is changing? What are the new challenges that society is facing which require new forms of cooperation between universities and business?
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